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Elementza – Character Concept Art With Cinema 4D and Arnold: Tips, Tricks, and Best Practices

In this new tutorial, were going to cover the process behind creating a character concept art from just an idea, to final image render. \nThis is short introduction video about basic C4D modelling features.\nMore info @","uploaded_on":"2017-11-27 09:53:50","uploaded_on_relative":"5 years ago","uploaded_on_full":"Monday, November 27, 2017 at 9:53 AM EST","is_spatial":false,"is_hdr":false,"is_dolby_vision":false,"privacy":"is_public":true,"type":"anybody","description":"Public","duration":"raw":1934,"formatted":"32:14","is_liked":false,"is_unavailable":false,"likes_url":"\/244658376\/likes","is_live":false,"unlisted_hash":null},"owner":"id":2140821,"display_name":"Elementza","has_advanced_stats":true,"is_pro_lapsed":false,"is_paid":true,"badge":null,"portrait":"src":"https:\/\/\/portrait\/35658457_75x75","src_2x":"https:\/\/\/portrait\/35658457_150x150","is_mod":false,"url":"\/elementza","verified":true,"is_following":false,"is_available_for_hire":null,"ondemand":null,"brand_channel":null,"api_url":"","jwt":"eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJleHAiOjE2NzU4NzgyNDAsInVzZXJfaWQiOm51bGwsImFwcF9pZCI6NTg0NzksInNjb3BlcyI6InB1YmxpYyBzdGF0cyIsInRlYW1fdXNlcl9pZCI6bnVsbH0.yCPepWGbfLJALI2K9254XJI1CnAenhFjt5Wua2sbkdw","chat":null,"cur_user":null,"status":"state":"ready","copyright_status":"is_blocked":false,"content_block_status":"is_blocked":false,"message":null,"continuous_play_enabled":false,"allowBypass":true,"requireLogin":false,"possibleOfcomBlock":false,"player":"config_url":"https:\/\/\/video\/244658376\/config?autopause=1&byline=0&collections=1&context=Vimeo%5CController%5CClipController.main&default_to_hd=1&h=b51387f426&outro=nothing&portrait=0&share=1&speed=1&title=0&watch_trailer=0&s=e66dbd84ebda6626912ec334af10a3d430283a45_1675892602","player_url":"","dimensions":"height":540,"width":960,"poster":"url":"https:\/\/\/video\/787615685-d9ee356eb2e3b44c75e10ef2fb9b1f251358a4e97559f652be35c431214446cb-d?mw=2000&mh=1080&q=70","share_enabled":true,"send_to_wipster_enabled":false,"thumbnail":"src":"https:\/\/\/video\/787615685-d9ee356eb2e3b44c75e10ef2fb9b1f251358a4e97559f652be35c431214446cb-d_190x107","src_2x":"https:\/\/\/video\/787615685-d9ee356eb2e3b44c75e10ef2fb9b1f251358a4e97559f652be35c431214446cb-d_380x214","width":190,"height":107,"id":787615685,"ads":"house_ads_enabled":false,"third_party_ads_enabled":false,"content_rating":null,"content_advertisement_warning":null,"notifications":[],"categories_config":"categories":[],"total_categories":0,"music_track":null,"cc_license":null,"google_app_id":"","credits":"total_credits":"raw":0,"formatted":"0","displayed_credits":[],"stream":"id":null,"pos":0,"collection_adder":"enabled":true,"recaptcha_site_key":"6LeRCLwSAAAAAOJ1ba_xqd3NBOlV5P_XRWJVEPdw","clip_stats":"enabled":false,"download_config":[],"has_review_modes":false,"data_layer":"clip_id":244658376,"page_path":"\/244658376","creator_id":2140821,"creator_user_type":"pro","video_categories":"","privacy":"anybody","staff_pick":"no","user_id":null,"page_type":"Video","pref_tips":"file_transfer_tour_point":"key":"vstpft","value":false}; // Autoplay test for onsite referrals to clip page (function () var clip = window.vimeo.clip_page_config; var isOwner = clip.cur_user ? === : false; var hasAutoplayParam = /(\?()); if (typeof window.vimeo === 'undefined' typeof window.vimeo.clips === 'undefined') Please enable JavaScript to experience Vimeo in all of its glory.

In this new tutorial, were going to cover the process behind creation of a character concept from just an idea, to final image render. In this 8 hour session you will learn how to approach a character 3D model design, and deal with situations and challenges that one project of this scale could hold.

Elementza – Character Concept Art With Cinema 4D and Arnold

Developing the idea, character role and features.Getting introduced to Doodle tool in Cinema4D.Creating base forms and features of the character.Going through a revision process on our current model.Creating details on established features.Working with materials in the scene.Going through another revision and working on necessary changes.Preparing the model for render.Rendering final image in Arnold (Note: this is not full in depth Arnold tutorial)There are 21 project files included with this tutorial, in case you would like to follow along or try and recreate the process. Final model, Arnold materials and final scene are included.

Developing the idea, character role and features.Getting introduced to Doodle tool in Cinema4D.Creating base forms and features of the character.Going through a revision process on our current model.Creating details on established features.Working with materials in the scene.Going through another revision and working on necessary changes.Preparing the model for render.Rendering final image in Arnold (Note: this is not full in depth Arnold tutorial)There are 21 project files included with this tutorial, in case you would like to follow along or try and recreate the process. Final model, Arnold materials and final scene are included.

We are modeling full model from scratch. Featuring over 20 hours of training, well go over few techniques on how to create a polished final model from start to finish. Well start with quick C4D tools introduction, then move on into creating our base mesh, and create idea for our concept.

In this series, we go through and concept out the stylized character software brothers, Photoshop and Gimp. Through this course, Tim Von Rueden will give you a complete run-through on how to create and concept these two characters first in Photoshop CS5, then in open source software Gimp 2.8, using a Wacom Intuos4 tablet.

In this 8 hour session, you will learn how to approach a character 3D model design and deal with situations and ... 3D Modeling Workshop - Elementza 3D Art Tutorials and Resources Model Theory, Hard Surface Modeling ... UI Customisation In / Hidden tips and tricks - Elementza Art Tutorials and Resources Cinema 4d.

In this 8 hour session, you will learn how to approach a character 3D model design and deal with situations ... Tutorials - Elementza 3D Art Tutorials and Resources Modeling Techniques, Cinema 4d, Motion Design ... 3D Modeling Workshop - Elementza 3D Art Tutorials and Resources Model Theory, Hard Surface Modeling. 2ff7e9595c

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